Friday, April 17, 2015

Vicious or Teddybears: A Brief Look At Misconceptions on Pitbills

Dog breeds are characterized by certain physical and behavioral traits. Each breed of dog was originally bred to do a specific job such as cattle herding or hunting. Today's pitbulls are the decedent of the original English-bull baiting dog, a dog bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around their head and necks. Today there are many misconceptions about this specific breed of our four-legged friends and no other breed of dog has had as much media coverage as this one in the past 15 years. There are two opinions when it comes to pits. One side is that they're mean and violent and need to be banned. The other side is that they're a loving animal when there raised properly. Both of these opinions are true in some respects and I personally feel that, much like raising children, if you bring a pit up properly in a loving environment, despite their breed they will be a loving family pet and not the vicious animals people make them out to be.

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